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Operators manage the assets deposited by stakers. They can deploy vaults of the corresponding assets they accept via Core.

Asset Management

Operators select the assets they accept from stakers and each accepted asset has a dedicated vault, implemented based on ERC4626. Custom ERC4626 vaults can be built to enable things like native restaking or even custodied restaking. These implementations have to be approved by the owner and allowlisted. The vault includes a slashAssets function, enabling the core contract to transfer specified asset amounts to the slashingHandler. Each slashingHandler can have a different implementation, as different assets may require different burning or slashing methods such as burn, swapping for ETH then burning, or even distributing out to affected parties.

DSS Allocation

Operators choose DSSs to allocate their funds to. For each DSS, operators can choose a list of vaults to stake (leveraging is possible). The vaults chosen by the operator are fully staked to the DSS.

DSS Unallocation

The Operator is subject to a MIN_STAKE_UPDATE_DELAY of 9 days to prevent front-running a slashing event. DSS can slash any malicious behavior occurring before the withdrawal initiation for up to 7 days. An operator can fully unregister from a DSS after all the vaults are unstaked from the DSS.


Operators can be jailed by the DSS arbitrarily usually valid reasons like if they are too overleveraged for a DSS' liking. The effects of jailing are also arbitrary and can be decided by the DSS. This can range from no rewards to not allowing the operator to perform any tasks and forcing them to unallocate from the DSS. Jailing is optional and is implemented inside the DSS contract and not the core contract.

Interested in becoming an operator? Take a look at the Operator guide.