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K2 Bridging Guide

Deposit to K2

  1. Navigate to

  2. Connect your wallet

  3. Select the ‘Deposit” tab

  4. Choose a network to deposit assets from

  5. From the drop-down button, select the asset you wish to deposit

  6. Select the amount you wish to deposit

  7. Click the “Deposit ” button and sign the transaction

  8. Once the transaction is confirmed your assets will be available on K2.

Withdraw from K2 (3 step process)

  1. Navigate to

  2. Connect your wallet (Ensure your wallet is connected to the Karak network)

  3. Select the “Withdraw” tab

  4. Choose a destination network to withdraw to

  5. From the drop-down button, select the asset you wish to withdraw

  6. Select the amount you wish to withdraw. (Ensure you have enough ETH to pay the withdrawal transaction gas fee)

  7. Click the “Withdraw ” button and sign the transaction (note this process is not reversible)

  8. Wait up to 4 hours then visit the “Outgoing” tab

  9. Click the “Prove” button and sign the transaction on the destination network

  10. Once 3 days have passed, visit the “Outgoing” tab once more

  11. Click the “Finish” button and sign the transaction on the destination network

  12. Your assets are now withdrawn from K2