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Contract Interactions


This provides a V1 overview of how protocols and applications can integrate and interact with Karak's restaking smart contracts.


Vault: A vault serves as the storage for tokens, with each token having its own dedicated vault deployed.

VaultSupervisor: The VaultSupervisor contract acts as the central hub connecting all vaults, managing all deposit and withdrawal calls for each vault.

DelegationSupervisor: The DelegationSupervisor contract handles withdrawals and soon


Deposit function: The deposit function takes in ERC-20 tokens that have been whitelisted.

function deposit(IVault vault, uint256 amount) returns (uint256 shares)

vault: Vault you’d like to deposit in

amount: Amount you’d like to deposit

shares: The amount of shares allotted to you in the vault

Interface IVault can be found here

Usage: IVault(address of Vault)

Deposit with Signature (Gasless approval)

The deposit with signature function can be used for tokens that have an ERC-20 Permit implementation.

function depositWithSignature(
    IVault vault, address user,
    uint256 value, uint256 deadline, Signature calldata permit,
    Signature calldata vaultAllowance
) returns (uint256 shares)

vault: Vault you’d like to deposit in

user: Address of the user who will approve the allowance for ERC-20 tokens

value: Amount you’d like to deposit

deadline: The UNIX timestamp till the signature is valid

permit: The signature for ERC-20 Permit approval

vaultAllowance: The signature that specifies which vault to deposit and the amount

shares: The amount of shares allotted to you in the vault

struct Signature {
        uint8 v;
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;

Interface IVault can be found here

Usage: IVault(address of Vault)


To withdraw tokens in a vault the user needs to call two functions on the DelegationSupervisor:

First the user needs to call startWithdraw function

function startWithdraw(
    Withdraw.WithdrawRequest[] calldata withdrawalRequests
) external returns (bytes32[] memory withdrawalRoots, Withdraw.QueuedWithdrawal[] memory withdrawConfigs)

withdrawalRequests: Array of the WithdrawRequest struct.

struct WithdrawRequest {
    IVault[] vaults;
    uint256[] shares;
    address withdrawer;

After the withdrawDelay amount of time, which can be found by calling

function withdrawalDelay() external view override returns (uint256)

You can finish the withdrawal by calling finishWithdraw on the DelegationSupervisor

function finishWithdraw(Withdraw.QueuedWithdrawal[] calldata startedWithdrawals) external

startedWithdrawals: Array of the QueuedWithdrawal struct

struct QueuedWithdrawal {
    address staker;
    address delegatedTo;
    uint256 nonce;
    uint256 start;
    WithdrawRequest request;